Thursday, August 23, 2007


Today Meg waved for the first time. She obviously thought 'Will mom and dad just stop waving the whole time' and then she must have thought 'Hey if I show them I can do it maybe they will stop all that silly flapping'.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Meg bringing new meaning to the term 'Casual Dining'

Crawling and first tooth.....

Meggsie is now crawling at a rate of knots. Why is it that babies find cables and all things dangerous, interesting? I think we are going to have a very busy few months ahead of us! Also, this morning I felt her first bottom tooth pushing through - her toothless, gummy grin will soon be a thing of the past.

Monday, August 20, 2007

So she thinks she can clap

Little Meg thinks she can clap.... however she has a very interesting technique! When you ask her to clap she clasps both hands tightly and then proceeds to shake her hands up and down very vigorously. She grins and giggles whilst doing this and thinks she is awfully smart. Of course Tim and I crack up laughing which gets her even more excited and the hands go faster up and down!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What Meg may look like one day if gravity ever takes effect!


Yes.... that adjective was used to describe Meg's hairdo by her Aunty Kayla... I think it is spectacularly cute!