Monday, December 29, 2008

Frogmore Park

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Family portrait

Getting Meg to cooperate for a picture of us all was a nightmare!
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Chilling in the bath

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It is so tough being 9 weeks old

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Oh how I love my little brother

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Pirate Party

Our mother's group held a 2nd birthday party for all the kiddies at Bicentenial Park. Poor Meg had not been well and so spent the morning looking rather sorry for herself.
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Last evening with Babcia

Unfortunatley mom's visit had to come to an end..... she was a fantastic help and we look forward to her next visit.
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Danny's 7 week Stats

Weight = 4.7kg
Height = 58cm (how does one grow more than 1cm a week!)
Head Curcumference =

Mohawk Danny

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Shelly Beach and Manly

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Enjoying time in her pool

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Clifton Gardens and Balmoral

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Danny becoming more alert

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Finger painting gone wrong

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The ultimate fashion accessory

Stella came to visit us while traveling for work from Singapore. She spoiled Meg with this super cool pair of sunnies!
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Meg enjoying time with Babcia at the Flying Fox Cafe

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With Babcia at Apple Tree Bay

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008