Monday, April 28, 2008

Growing vocab....

Meg's vocab is slowly expanding. She now says baba for bubbles, bah for bird, ball and balloon, car (with a very Ozzie accent!), duck, shoes and suit. She goes mmmmmmmmmmm if you ask her what noise a cow makes and she makes a monkey noise for a dog barking. She is enjoying blowing kisses with both hands at once. This is done with great gusto as Pavarotti would do when thanking a crowd - too sweet!

Autumn sun at Bobbinhead

Definitely no mix up at the hospital!

Cheeky girl!

Cousin Thomas

Meg has a new beautiful cousin - Thomas! Born 28-Mar-2008

Cheesy grin :)

I don't quite recall how this all started, but this is the reaction you get when you ask Meg for a cheesy grin!

Mucking about at Fagan Park

Pizzas at Northhead

Dadda and Meggie

Lane Cove National Park

Eating (another!) box of sultanas with Babcia. Just how many sultanas can a toddler eat???
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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mango Madness

In front of the Queen Victoria

Babcia comes to visit

Babcia came to visit from Mid Feb to Mid March. It was a lovely time that Meg and my mom had to bond. Note the scab on the bridge of Meg's nose...the result of tumbling down some concrete stairs!

Meg's first haircut

At Alec's 2nd birthday party