Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Carols at West Pymble

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Christmas photo for Babcia

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The Wiggles Family

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Exhausted after a morning at Shelly

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Cycling Boy

Tim and I now each have a Wee Ride mounted on our bikes - the kids love it and they make for a very useful tool to survive 'suicide hour'
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Monday, November 16, 2009

If you're happy and you know it////


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Dracula Boy

Mmmmm interesting order of teeth there....
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Backyard pool fun




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Another sad good bye to Babcia - what a lovely visit



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Echoe Point

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Wild Flower Garden


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More from Cockatoo Island trip

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Day Trip to Cockatoo Island

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Puberty comes early!

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Junction Road Band

Lets go bounce on the trampoline




After months and months agonising over whether we should get a trampoling and then deciding what size we finally did it. Only problem now is getting the kids (that includes Tim) off it!
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