Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I can hold my head up

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Little Miss Attitude

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Andre's cool pics

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Palm Beach - Meg contemplating life as Home and Away star

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Danny with Uncle Jamie

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Hanging out at Shelly Beach

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Beaching at Clontarf

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27 December - What, no more presents???

Meg was a little dissapointed to discover no more presents today. About an hour after I had her dressed she decided that shorts and top needed to come off and that Party dress needed to go on. Once she had her dress on she came to me and said 'presents?'..... oh there is so much to learn when you are just two.

Some funny pronunciations of Meg's:
Seahorse = Sea Sauce
Bicycle = Bikisill

Meg turns 2!

Meg was super spoilt again by friends and relatives. We got her a tennis ('tenny') racquet which she is really enjoying. Jamie and Sarah also arrived from the UK for a visit.
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Danny's first Christmas

Meg LOVED opening all her presents and helping Danny open his too!
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Getting used to the grass tickling his toes

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