Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some things Danny does to make me smile...

The way he raises his right eyebrow before he breaks into a smile
The way he tries to hold on to my arm while I try and pat him to sleep
How very hard he tries not to cry
The way he chuckles when you kiss his neck
The happiness in his eyes when he looks at Meg

Meg's bedtime rituals

Meg has a string of bedtime rituals. Dub (dub = blanket although she has no trouble saying blanket??) has to be on, feet and hands in. She has to have a dummy in her mouth and 'more' dummy which has to be only 1 more dummy. Any additional dummys have to be placed on her top shelf. With her 'more' dummy she rubs her nose while falling to sleep. She then has to have Pooh Bear and Popar (Polar) bear and on some occasions she needs Piglet and Sully too. She then requires that the fan be on, the light on and door open... oh dear where will this end.... lets hope she doesn't have OCD!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

'Now I now my'

Meg can now sing ABC.... with a couple of interesting pronunciations and 'Now I now my ABC...' She is singing heaps of new songs and tries to sing along to anything she hears.

'and the little one said roll over....roll over'

Danny has been rolling (if you can call it that... more like toppling over) from his tummy to his back for the past few weeks, but today for the first time he rolled from his back to his tummy.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Summer - hot, hot, hot

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Meg bonding with Danny

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Bye bye cousins

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Conversation with Meg

Meg: Babcia coming to visit?
Me: Oh my sweetie, Babcia has gone far, far away.
Meg: In a rocket?

More visitor pics

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Fagan Park

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More City pics

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Train Trip

Meg gets very excited over trains needless to say a trip to the city was a winner for her....
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Cousins hanging out together

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Happy Booday Maisy style

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Sunning ourselves at Shelly

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More visitors

Matt, Hadley, Travis and Jaimee came to visit. Lovely for the cousins to spend time together.
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Big books for big girls.....

Meg always very kindly brings Danny a Mr Men book when she is reading a book of her own... clearly little books for little people....
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