Monday, March 30, 2009

Einstein Meg

Meg knows most of her colours and is able to recognise most of the letters of the alphabet. She can count to 20 but leaves out 13 and 15.

Wots dat?

I am well aware of the 'why' phase, but please someone tell me how long is the 'wots dat' phase going to last??? Meg is a stuck record at the moment!

Danny Boy...

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Gorgeous Boy!

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Park time

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Bean Bag time

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Sitting with a little help from a toy

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Jolly-Jumper roodily boodily

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Toot-toot ....on a train

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Solids - Yuk!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hanging out at home

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Meg enjoys going to swimming, although lets face it I don't think she is going to be the next olympian as she is rather lazy.... Zach and Meg really like each others company. The go to daycare together as well and the teaches say they enjoy doing everythng together ... very sweet.
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Wightman ablutions

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Crazy Hair Day at Daycare

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Jumping Jack Flash

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Poor Megs

We had a call from daycare to say that Meg was developing a rash. At first I thought they were being over precautious, but after the second call we collected her. Poor thing had the most horrendous rash that covered both her legs and arms and face. The doc was not sure if it was an allergic reaction to something or a viral rash.....anyway she wasn't phased by it and it had all disaapeared by the evening.
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I'm on the Top of the World

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Danny becoming more human...

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Brekkie at The Barn

We took advantage of a day when Meg was at daycare to go out for breakfast....oh how easy things are when there is only 1 kiddie!
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My other Cheeky Monkey

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