Wednesday, April 22, 2009

'C'mon people'

While driving along with Meg in the back, we got held up at some road works. After a minute or so a little voice pipes up from the back 'C'mon people, lets move it!' She has been listening closely to her father!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meggie help Meg

Little Miss Independent won't let us do anything for her. When you ask if you can help with something the reply is 'No, Meggie help Meg'. Meg is now fully toilet trained - something suddenly clicked!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Where has 6 months gone?

Danny will be 6 months tomorrow - not sure where the time has gone! His stats are 69cm in height - Meg was 64 at the equivalent time, so he will overtake her in the not too distant future! He is a hefty 9kg and is starting to manouvre himself around pretty well on the floor.

Celebrating 8th wedding anniversary at our favourite Brekkie spot in Manly

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More Park Time

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Oh life is tough at 2!

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Holding hands

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Computer geek like her dad?

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Pooh Bear in Meg's 'Couch'

Meg enjoys hoping around like a kangaroo with Pooh Bear in her 'Couch' as she calls it!
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Danny in Big Boy clothes

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