Sunday, January 17, 2010


Meg woke up from an afternoon sleep all sweaty from the heat... she told me she was 'leaking!'

Cumberland State Forest

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Cheeky boys

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Doctor Seuss or Doctor Zzzzzzzzz?

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More of Meg's party

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Meg's little party

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First day at school

Danny started at daycare 2 days a week and Meg moved up to the pre-school room. Meg is loving the new room and it is almost impossible to get her to leave. Daniel on the other hand seems to be rather traumatised by the whole thing. Poor guy has had a miserable few days.... let's hope it improves quickly!
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Backyard fun

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And then there were 5!

Meg has an imaginary friend ' little girl'. Little girl makes various appearances throughout the day and is included in most of our outings. She seems to always have the same clothes on as Meg does. She is 'littler' the Meg, but bigger than Danny. Let's see how long it lasts.....

Tim the Step dad

Meg has been calling Tim, Tim for at least the past 4 months.... not sure if she will ever revert back to Dad!

Conversation in doctors room

Doctor thinking out loud: 'Now let me just find your name on the computer'
Meg: 'It starts with an M it is spelt M. E. G'

Meg turns 3!

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Christmas 2009



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Saturday, January 16, 2010