Sunday, February 14, 2010

Conversation at dinner

Sue: wow you kiddies are so good you have eaten all your dinner. That makes me so happy!
Meg: are you impressed mum?
Sue: Yes I am
Meg: Me too!

Cheesy grin x2

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At Woolwich

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Trains and Ferries to Darling Harbour




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Milkshake time

Daniel was delighted with being given Meg's empty milkshake easy to please them when they are little!
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Beaching at Narrabeen


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Creative garden playgym

We had a huge branch of a tree come down in the garden...fortunately the kiddies weren't playing outside at the time! It provided great entertainment for Meg(and Tim!)as she grew in confidence with climbing it.
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Too big for his boots

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Conversation Tim had with Meg

Meg was wearing a pair of pjamas which are too big for her and tend to fall down a fair so that her panties can be seen.

Tim: Meg are you already dressing like a teenager with your pants falling down? (pause) Actually Meg, do you even know what a teenager is?
Meg (without skipping a beat): Yes, someone who wears their pants down.