Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Meg starting to read at 3 years 5 months

Meg is starting to read simple 'Peter and Jane' books. Although not captured in this video she usually says at the end of each page "I'm getting pretty good at this mum."

A wet and cold morning at Manly

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Woohoo look at me fly

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Gorgeous photos coutesy of Andre who according to Meg lives in a castle (Newcastle)

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The parasite returns

Daniel with Giardia for the second time... poor guy was so sick and miserable
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Daniel pretending.....

to read a book.... he likes to flick through pages (or multiples there of) and proclaim 'done' before tossing the book to the side.
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I finally gave in and let Tim shave Danny's hair. Yes that is a doll you see - Daniel is far more interested in dolls than Meg is!
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Cycle around Narrabeen Lake

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Evening stroll at Fairlight

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Daniel loves his 'Momo'

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Gymnastics and tea parties!

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Last day with Aunty Kaya and Sophie Sophia

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Brekkie time

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