Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh so much still to learn

Meg: Mum when I grow up I am going to marry Danny
Me: My girl, you can't marry Danny because he is your brother!
Meg: But...but...but I love him mum....

Sundowners at 'The Cut'

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Out and about in WA

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Loving the time with cousin Jaimee

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Catching up with Rich, Anita, Ashleigh and Dylan

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The plane trip to WA to visit, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends

Although they kept us very busy, the flight was less of a nightmare than I was expecting!
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Hard work!

Having Lucy with us meant I had to referee the many fights over whose turn it was to have her. I also had to show some creativity and patience with putting together Lucy's diary together. Phew at least that is over for a long time!
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Lucy the school Mascot stayed with us for the weekend

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