Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One proud Mum!

Out of the 40 kids in Meg's pre-school she has been selected to join a group of 10 kiddies to participate in an early reading program. I was pretty chuffed about that, but then when I got called into the Director's office and she couldn't stop going on about how amazing Meg's reading ability is and just how far she is ahead of the other kiddies I couldn't stop beaming for a few days. Ridiculous I know and I never thought I would be one of those proud mum's...but I can't help myself :)

Conversation with the little miss

Meg: 'Mum, can you buy me a boobie holder one day?'
Me: 'What do you mean?'
Meg: ' You know, when your boobs get long can you get me a boobie holder?'

And yet more camping...

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More camping....

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Camping at Crosslands Reserve

We trialled a camping experience close to home... it was pretty successful and the kiddies really enjoyed it

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Super 14 here we come

Cheeky boy

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Conversation with the little guy

Danny pointing to a mole of mine....
'Who put it dere'
Me: 'Nobody put it there'
Danny: 'Daddy put it dere?'
Me: 'No, daddy didn't put it there'
Danny: 'Mama put it dere?'
Me: 'No Danny, it's just there!'

Weekend walks

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Learning new songs at Beehive

Just can't get enough of Balmoral!

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Alec's creepy crawly party

One brave girl and the most amazing stick insect!
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Meg's party invite

Lots of fun :)

The 'Fairy' Beach party was a great success... treasure hunt, fishing game, swimming until 8pm and very yummy fish and chips!

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Meg's 4th birthday at Balmoral beach

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Some boat reading

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