Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spider Lessons

Meg: Come Danny, come look at the Mommy Legs
Me: What's a Mommy Legs
Meg: It's a Daddy Long Legs, but this one is smaller so it is a Mommy Legs

Safe from dad in the climbing frame

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Little pro

Danny has discovered how much fun a balance bike is
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Crumpie is a big hit when we go to visit Ivan and Tanya. There is lots of arguing over whose lap she needs to sit on!
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Can he fix it?

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Very proud of his new Jim Jams

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Manly Beach

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Train and ferry to Manly

Danny was a little confused by the Ferry boat as he asked "Where da faries"

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Cheesy chainsaw masochist

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Spiky hair boy

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Tin Tin

Meg loves Tin Tin and can get absorded in a book for ages.... Danny not too far behind :)
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Wet neighbourhood walk

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Exploring the local bush

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