Sunday, September 25, 2011

Road signs

Meg in the car, sees a no right hand turn sign
Meg: Mum, why aren't you allowed to throw boomerangs here?
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Meg the microbiologist

Sick Dad
Meg: Dad, if you're sick you should eat more carrots so they can fight the germs.
Dad: Yes, you're right Meg, but it takes a bit of time for the carrots to get into your body to fight the germs.
Meg: *Pause* Dad, do they fight with swords and bats?

I love this picture that Danny drew!

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Clareville Beach - summer is back :)

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Pyjama Teddy Bear's Picnic at Beehive

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The Bush School Fair

Danny was a champion at the fair. I thought he wouldn't be keen to go on any rides, but he insisted on going on absolutely all of them and had a fantastic time.
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"The Last Supper"

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And this is why we thought perhaps ballet is not quite Meg's thing...


Me not feeling well talking to Tim
Sue: " I feel like rubbish"
Danny looking up very quickly and in a concerned voice said "no Mamma you not rubbish!"

And Patriotic Danny....

Patriotic Meg

Danny "Nadal" with an interesting follow through technique