Monday, September 10, 2007

Cruising Meg

Nobody told me that there wouldn't be a break between crawling and pulling up.....on EVERYTHING! I am totally amazed at the changes in Meg this past week. Besides the continuous mama mama mama she is also saying baba and we think there may have been a dada in there too. She is starting to cruise along the furniture and amazingly enough there havn't been too many bumps. It is now almost impossible to change her nappy as she wriggles and squirms. We are now greeted with her little head and big smile peeping over the top of the cot when we walk in to get her. She also through her first 'semi-tantrum' in the supermarket a few days ago when I tried to take the keys away from her that I had given her to distract her from pulling my bunch of Basil apart. I think the fun and games are just beginning :)

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